Heard of Dressing Up your Balcony?

Having a balcony or patio is one of the perks for an outdoor experience in the comfort of your home. Balcony or patio is the perfect place to dine, wine and unwind. You may even wish to fully utilize them in seasons of rain, shine, haze or even just extending your indoor space.
Look around you, you will surely notice your neighbors covering or enclose their balcony with outdoor blinds. The best choice of outdoor blinds is definitely ZipScreen, a product from Australia!
What’s so good about ZipScreen?
The structure of ZipScreen is made with aluminum. Fully customized, rust-proof and robust against local weather conditions.
ZipScreen can fit well in any balcony no matter it is L shape, U shape, or even Z shape. It also has few operating systems for your lifestyle and convenience. You can go for a motorized, manual system or crank system, it depends on your needs.
ZipScreen outdoor shade can protect your family from prying eyes, shade them from harmful rays while at play and of course those pesky insects too.
With ZipScreen, you can re-create space with an unobstructed stream of natural light. You can enjoy the great space at your leisure anytime.

Australia No. 1 Outdoor shade
Distributed by VB Blind