Characteristics of Australia’s ZipScreen – Ultimate Outdoor Blind
Outdoor space usually offers an ideal entertainment space to enjoy recreational activities. Enclosing an outdoor area with outdoor shade has become popular in recent years. There are many different brands in this market such as ZipTrak, Ziptrack, Zip blind, etc. If you are overwhelmed which brand to go for, research the brand ZipScreen from Rollease Acemeda, product from Australia is one of the ideal outdoor shade solutions.
What can ZipScreen do for you?
1. Provide Healthy Living Space
The openness of 1% fabric is very small. This acts like an “Air Filter”, it helps to block all the dust. Say no more to dusty air and enjoy a natural air purifier.
2. Provide Optimum Protection and Comfort
ZipScreen is constructed with strong materials that can withstand all weather. It reduces undesired heat within the space and blocks out 99% of the UV Rays. ZipScreen can help to reduce the rainwater splashing into your space.
3. Privacy Guaranteed
It provides necessary privacy and you can enjoy your time without interruptions.
4. Enhance The Appeal Of Your Space
It is stylish and a wonderful addition to your balcony, patio or any outdoor area. Not only for home, but the commercial place is also suitable as well. ZipScreen provides a sleek external finish and can change the aesthetics of any home décor.
5. Easy To Operate and Maintain
ZipScreen is easy to operate. You can choose from manual or motorised, depends on your needs. If you are a tech person, go smart is another choice.
6. Custom-made blinds
ZipScreen is also customizable like other zipblinds. It is designed to fit every homeowner’s preference. The custom space dimension can be made up to 4 meters in width with colour options according to your space. It is important to ensure that everything is made to your specific needs.
If you wish to install smart outdoor blinds, please contact us to find out more.
Distributed by VB Blind